So here's the deal. My first semester here at San Jose State was last Fall as a transfer student. I took PR 99 and the entire semester all I did was question why I chose Public Relations as a major. For the life of me I could not figure out what had attracted me to the profession.
Now, about nine months later as I near the completion of my second semester here, my mind is at ease. With classes like PR 192, PR 191 and even Intro to Marketing I am beginning to realize why I am here. I love what I have chosen to do and although it may have taken some time to realize, I am happy that I stuck it out.
I wasn't sure what to expect at the beginning of this semester, but I now know that I have learned far more than I could have possibly expected or anticipated.
Let me share my insights...
1. Appreciate the ease of use of In-Design - Although it seems complicated and the first time using it can be confusing, it has now become my new best friend (figuratively speaking, of course)
2. The databases from King Library are essential - King Library offers SJSU students access to databases like Lexis-Nexis and Academic Search Premiere, both of which are extremely helpful in finding accurate and informative research information.
3. Don't take guest speakers for granted - guest speakers in class are the easiest way to get started on networking. Take initiative, show interest and, most importantly, stand out.
4. Get involved - unfortunately I may have waited too long for this one, but it is important to get involved in the organizations that are associated with your profession. Organizations like the PRSSA will not only look good on your resume but will also do wonders for your networking and also get you the information you may want, if not need, for your future. The PRSSA has guest speakers at every meeting, usually from different areas of PR. These professionals will allow you to network and help you decide which area of public relations is right for you.
I must say that this semester has been exhausting, endless and hard, but it has helped me learn that I am doing what I love and I am enjoying every minute of it. I may be hard, it may be tiring, and it may be the longest 16 weeks of school so far, but they have also been the most eye opening, life changing, and fun 16 weeks of school I have experienced thus far.