Camel, a popular cigarette company, released a new brand of cigarettes in February targeting women. This new brand is called Camel No. 9, a brand that advertises being "Light and Luscious" and has a packaging that reminds people of perfume boxes. But with a new brand comes new controversy. Some are getting mad over Camel No. 9, remarking that it's only purpose is to attract new consumers that are mainly young female teens or young women in their 20's. According to MSNBC, spokesman David Howard said this new brand was only meant "for women who were asking for a product that better reflected their taste preferences and style" and "to connect with women adult smokers", not other consumers.
According to NPR, many are angered by this new brand because of it's advertising strategies. People see it as aggressive advertising since R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company even held lavish parties targeting women. The company held"event[s] promot[ing]...a girls' night out, where women can sample cigarettes, get massages, have their hair styled and take home gift bags that include makeup and jewelry."
The company may say that the brand is meant to target women who already smoke, but through its aggressive advertising, who knows if it will, in the end, intentionally target young non-smoking women, too.
1 comment:
Yeah, right...they're only targeting existing smokers? If you believe that, I have some swell swampland in Florida I'd like to sell you....
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