Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What do PR and Accounting Have in Common?

What do PR and Accounting share in common? This may seem like one of those riddles that doesn't seem to have an answer. Although public relations and accounting may seem to be on completely different ends of the career spectrum they offer one common benefit to college graduates who go into these fields. They both allow you to work in a field that you may be passionate about. For example, if you played football in college, you can find a job working with any of the hundred professional teams that all have communications, public relations, of media relations departments. Accountants can do the same, but their jobs just don't seem as interesting (maybe I'm a little bias).

This freedom to find a job with a team, company, person, or organization that you are passionate about is almost exclusive to PR graduates. PR professionals are needed in all kinds of businesses. A person with a passion for animals could work with the SPCA. A person who is concerned about the environment could work for a non-profit environmental group. The possibilities are endless.

So when entering the work force, search for a position that allows you to incorporate the things you know and care about. It will make work much more enjoyable.

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