I came across an article in Newsweek that I thought was really interesting. It was mainly about China learning the value of good PR and is beating the United States at its own game. It went further to discuss how PR is increasingly blending with international politics.
For example, early this month, Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Russia for a three-day visit. This is remarkable because not too long ago, Chinese leaders rarely left home. Now, Russia has declared 2007 the "Year of China," and plans to hold hundreds of China related business, educational and sport events in the upcoming months. In addition, Hu along with Russian President Vladimir Putin both pledged to build a series of cooperative energy projects.
A major public opinion poll last year found that most ordinary Russians now think China has "a positive impact on the world" and the United States has a negative one. We have to stop and really think of how others around the world now view the United States before we get a really tarnished image that may not be salvageable.
I'll leave you with one quote that really stuck out when reading the article:
"Ordinary people across the planet now view China more warmly than they do the United States. Polls taken by the Program on International Policy Attitudes and the BBC show that majorities of people in most countries today consider China to be a more positive influence and less of a threat to international peace than the United States is."
1 comment:
It sounds good because maybe I can go to China to become a PR practitioner!!
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