Sunday, May 13, 2007


Over the semester I have become more aware of PR issues by reading PR blogs and reading the news. It is interesting to see the different ways that companies have decided to deal with certain issues, if they even deal with them at all.

Blogs seem to be crucial in the success of some companies. It is a way to communicate with the public in a faster, cheaper and more efficient way. A company can find out what people think of their brand, image or reputation with the simple click of a button. They are able to see if the messages they are trying to convey are being received in the same way.

I am still trying to figure out what area of PR that I want to get into, so it has not necessarily changed my carrer plans, but it has definitely opened my eyes to new possiblities. It has also made me more aware of what is going on with the web and how to be a part of it. I will definitely pay closer attention to blogs and what they have to say.

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