Monday, May 14, 2007

Final Thoughts...

I am a Marketing major and a PR minor. So I'm not really looking to get into a full blown PR position. But I have to say I have learned a lot this past year and I think it has helped me and could help me in my business career.

Blogs and other new media are not only changing the practice of PR, but I think it is changing everything. It changes the way we communicate as a society and it changes buisness. It's a new way to get a message or opinion across. Or simply, it's a way to let your feelings out. In either case, people are reading blogs. As we all know, it can even lead to new opportunities.

So i think that we as a society, have to adapt, just like any other new technology, we have to adapt to it and incorporate it into our daily lives.

So I just want to say that this semester in PR 191 has been a blast because I have learned so many new things that I haven't ever known before. Dreamweaver, direct mail, position paper, blogs and brochures are some example.

Good luck to everyone on their endeavors and have a GREAT summer!

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