Monday, May 14, 2007

Final Blog

I’ll start off by saying that this has been a class that has taught me a significant amount of information regarding the world of public relations. It seemed at times, as if I was actually working for a PR agency. Regarding blogs, I have to admit that I finally know what they are all about. I remember that in previous classes blogs were mentioned, nevertheless, I never really knew what they were. This class not only defined what blogging is, but also gave us the opportunity of actually write and comment blogs.

I have realized that blogs are a very important and significant form of communication in the world of PR. I have also learned that they can help, as well as harm. Therefore, being aware of the impact that the blogs have in the world of PR is essential.

In addition, I believe that blogginng is a new phenomenon that will be with me through out my career. I don’t think it will affect me. I’m not an expert at blogging, however, I think I got the hang of it. The impact the it id having in the world of public relations is so intense that I am very much encouraged to become if not an expert a close-to-being and expert blogger.

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