Monday, March 5, 2007

I founs some good tips and techniques regarding public speaking and wantes to share them with the class, since we have our presentations this week.

1. Know your topic. There might be someone in your audience who is familiar with what you are saying and if you say something that is not factual, you might loose credibility.

2. Do not read from notes. Always talk convinced and preferably without using notes. Since we are using a POwer Point slide show for our presentation, it will be better if we follow up from the main pints on the slides, instead of reading off of notes.

3. Pause in between ideas and points. This will give you and your audience some time to reflect an think on the ideas that you mention.

4.. Mantain good eye contact with your audience. This is a must in all presentations.

5. If possible, add humor to your presentation. This will enhance it and make it more lively.

6. When using visual aids. Make them clear and simple. Dont have too much information on slides because it might become hectic for the audience to read.

7. Always be prepeared for questions or comments.

8. VERY IMPORTANT!...Always have a backup plan for your presentation. The equipment might not work the day of your speech, so always have your information saved on two items.

I hope this will help you guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some good points, but you left out one key point: the importance of proofreading your slides. That goes for your blog posts as well. I found two misspellings in your first paragraph. Also check spellings in Item #1 and #7.