Monday, March 5, 2007

New problem for FEMA

FEMA now has a new problem to deal with after kicking out 58 households. Katrina victims are angry that they are getting kicked out. One victim said, "They know how to put me out, but they don't know how to help me out. That's how I look at it."

A FEMA spokesperson made a statement that the decision was for the safety of the residents. The mobile home park had problems with "raw sewage and periodic power outages."

This seems to be the newest pulic relations problem for FEMA. They first received negative publicity when they did not respond in a timely manner to the victims of Hurrican Katrina. They have taken on an interesting angle in this case. Instead of taking blame and admiting to kicking people out of the park, they are claiming that they had no choice and it was for the resident's safety. Whether or not this tactic will work is up in the air. FEMA seems to have a pattern with passing the blame off onto other people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And that pattern of passing blame is why they have a PR problem.