Thursday, March 15, 2007

Unhealthy Salads

I don't mean to bore you with another 101 boring reasons to eat healthy and work out. When we think about eating healthy we think salads right? Wrong! After reading about how salads are unhealthy too I ask myself "what can I eat?" Businessweek blog has found that companies are leaving out important facts about their servings. These fast food and sit-in do it for a reason, some of their salads are the equivalent to a hamburger and fries. What companies are doing may be called lying, concealing but to PR majors its called framing. As a consumer I personally think that companies should show the nutrition to all of it's servings. As a public relations student I believe that its a great job in framing products benefits and leaving out the negatives.

What do believe?


camccune said...

Yes, it's all in how you frame it...but I think it's misleading for restaurants to imply that their salads are healthier, lower calorie choices...when they're not.

Now, on to a couple of problems. You need to proofread before you upload your post.
* don't, not dont
* quote marks go outside punctuation
* typos: equivalent, it's (it is)
* companies should show...their servings

Unknown said...

Thanks, I used your suggestions and changed those few slip ups. Thanks for the comment...