Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Fake Blogs May Be Prohibited in Europe

As a student who is new to blog posting, I was very surprised to read various blogs discussing the possible initiative by the European Union to make "flogging" (fake blogging) illegal. This supposed guidelines would be put in to effect in December of this year. This initiative would prohibit "unjust commercial practices" such as those made by companies that pretend to be regular consumers and post negative or opposing comments. The initiative would also affect web pages made for consumer recomendations, forums, and other analogous sites. It is wild to see that the European union is attempting to regulate an issue that bloggers have created themselves. We'll have to wait and see how this initiative will be implemented...
After reading about unjust commercial practices I thought that the article "Brands Navigate the Blogosphere" by Abram Sauer was a great learning opportunity for future bloggers. The article gives great advice to companies taking their first steps in to the world of blogging.
Enjoy & Happy Valentines Day!!!

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