Monday, February 19, 2007

How Blogs Can Help Your Business

These days I keep reading Blog Marketing by Jeremy Wright. Chapter 3 of this book covers the rinning of business blogging and what it means for business, including how it can impact the bottom line and how it will bring in customers and affect mindshare. It also examines several companies from a variety of industries that are succeeding at blogging; these early bloggers have paved the way for later blogging luminaries.


I honestly believe that blogging can help each core fragment of what makes up a successful and viable company. According to the book, the core needs for any business are as follows:
• Decent ideas
• A great product
• Visibility
• A well-trained team of people who work hard to make the company succeed

We also need good marketing, great customer relations, an awesome sales force, decent customer support, and a host of other factors. But if we have ideas, a product worth selling, a solid team behind it, and potential customers, the rest will follow naturally.
If you are interested in Jeremy Wright's books, please visit:

1 comment:

Loulou said...

Informative. You have a missing verb in paragraph one. It should be "it is important" instead of "it important."