Monday, February 26, 2007

A Year and a Half with 236 Words

Theodore Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, spent eighteen months manipulating and massaging 236 first grade vocabulary words into "The Cat in the Hat" because he felt children's books were boring. Public relations technicians can learn from the good Doctor's achievement. His constant revision and dedication to a finely crafted message make his prose fresh night after won't-you-please-read-it-again night. Kansas State Univesity professor Philip Nel has recently published The Annotated Cat in the Hat so we can all take a peek into the making of Seuss' classic tale.

1 comment:

camccune said...

They were boring! I grew up reading "See Jane run. Run, Jane, run!" With crap like that, it's a wonder I grew up to be a reader.

Dr. Seuss made books fun. He rhymed. How can you go wrong with that?