Thursday, June 14, 2007
Semester's end

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
OK, I had to do it.

As seen on thesuperficial.com, Paris Hilton has been spotted walking around town carrying a copy of "The Holy Bible" and "The Power of Now" as an effort to clean up her image a bit. (In case you've forgotten, she faces 23 days of jail time for driving with a suspended license. She got her sentence cut in half for good behavior. i.e. showing up to her court date on time.) Does her publicist really think that shoving religion and a New York Times bestseller into her hands will make the public forget all about the Paris we used to know?
I guess it's a cheap way to try to change your image, but...you definitely get what you pay for. If anything, this stunt will get the TV newsmagazines and tabloids talking about how unbelievable it is that Paris is a) religious and b) literate.
Who Will be the Next American Idol?

Tonight the votes are tallied and this season's American Idol will be crowned. American Idol is in its sixth season and ratings continue to reflect the shows phenomenal success. According to Nielsen, Idol is at the top of the prime time ratings for yet another season. The shows unparalleled success has drawn in hundreds of advertisers and sponsors, including Coke and Ford. The show has also created a PR buzz.
All of the shows contestants do hundreds of interviews and some do advertisements. They are promoting the show, products, and most importantly themselves. Media coverage of this show is constant and so a smart contestant who knows anything about PR knows that they need to idolize (no pun intended) their time in the spotlight to promote their image.
Successful Idol contestants include Carrie Underwood, Kellie Pickler, Taylor Hicks, Fantasia Barrino, Ruben Studdard, and Kelly Clarkson. These contestants marketed themselves well and have continued on to have very successful singing careers.
Ocean's 13 Cast Raises Money for Darfur
Cheadle recently co-authored the book Not on Our Watch: The Mission to End Genocide in Darfur and Beyond. Cheadle admits that getting media coverage of the crisis in Darfur is an uphill battle. The use of the upcoming Ocean's 13 release has been a way to gain publicity on the issue. Cheadle has gained the support of his co-stars and with this powerhouse team of actors behind the Darfur project progress is being made.
Over 9 million dollars have been raised already, with a $1 million contribution from Stephen Spielberg. The charity effort is proving to have benefits for everyone. The Darfur crisis is finally getting some of the attention it deserves and the movie's stars are getting good publicity because media coverage is showing their campaigning efforts to help with this worthy case. The Ocean's 13 cast is making good use of their time in the spotlight.
What do PR and Accounting Have in Common?
This freedom to find a job with a team, company, person, or organization that you are passionate about is almost exclusive to PR graduates. PR professionals are needed in all kinds of businesses. A person with a passion for animals could work with the SPCA. A person who is concerned about the environment could work for a non-profit environmental group. The possibilities are endless.
So when entering the work force, search for a position that allows you to incorporate the things you know and care about. It will make work much more enjoyable.
Jerry Seinfeld Makes a Buzz

At this year's Cannes Film Festival Jerry Seinfeld answered questions about what he has been doing since his "Seinfeld" days and created some big "buzz" in the process. Jerry has returned to the scene to promote his latest project, a movie titled, "Bee Movie." This is a DreamWorks film thought up by Seinfeld and directed by Stephen Spielberg. With such a successful animation production team, legendary director, and hilarious comedian behind the film you wouldn't think outlandish publicity stunts would be necessary to create buzz, but Jerry wasn't taking any chances.
On the morning of May 17, Jerry Seinfeld suited up in a giant bee costume and was attached to a guy wire. He then proceeded to fly hundreds of yards from the top of the Carlton Hotel onto the pier. Below, Co-star Chris Rock was doing play by play commentary. The two comedians engaged in comedic banter before Jerry made his final landing.
Jerry landed unharmed and apparently unembarrassed. He claimed, "No desperation here, just good advertising." He also said, [If there's] anything I hate its publicity that smacks of any kind of desperation." Apparently Jerry doesn't view his flying bee stunt as desperate, just clever. I agree. At a film festival, reporters are forced to choose between event and films and many of them passed up other events to watch Jerry fly in a bright yellow and black bumblebee suit.
The film is scheduled to premiere on November 2. Guest appearances include Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, Chris Rock, and Ray Liotta.
To read more about this film and Jerry's publicity stunt go to time.com.
It's all starting to make sense now.
Overall, it was a great way to learn from one another as well as create self-learning skills. I've learned how technological the world is getting from the other side of the spectrum. Actually creating virtual news is a lot harder than just reaping the benefits from it.
PR 191...
I think this blog is a good exercise for public relations students because the face of public relations is changing. It is keeping up with technological advances and requires its practitioners to do the same. Blogs are becoming more and more common and people in the pr field must realize that they play a part in shaping public opinion...which can be both good and bad.
Hell, people in pr even have to keep up with that pesky little wikipedia site. The times they are a'changing.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Paging Karl Rove...
Monday, May 21, 2007
Final thoughts on PR 191
But, the problem resides in who is behind the blog? Who is writing the blog?
We saw in Walmart case that Walmart hired secretly people to start blogging in its favor. Blogging can confront unethical problem.
Overall PR 191 was a challenging class, looking back, I feel that I learnt a lot of valuable information whether in doing position paper, annual report, a direct mail package or blogging.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
PR class
The lessons we have learned are skills that will encompas us to succeed in the business world.
One skill that has lead us into the heart of public relations is blogging. Blogging has become one of the most used and useful tools to the public relations field. It has become a source of marketing, persuasion, and good publicity. As a blogger I have learned to browse other bloggers for news and current events. Blogging is another way to market yourself to future employers. It can be a useful way to market your skills in creative writing as wewll as your professionalism.
This class has helped spin a simple internet tool into a wonderful way to speak your mind about a certain topic. I was very happy to learn a new skill that is becoming more and more useful in public relations.
Reflection On Our PR 191 Class
Blogging has seriously taken over the traditional media, as more and more people are able to connect with each other through blogs. They are so easily accessible and easy to post, something that scares me a little. Unlike anything else, anyone can read your blogs and hear what you say.
Let me just say, I was surprised when posting my blog regarding Blogger and Podcaster Magazine. It was shocking to find that the magazine's publisher, himself, posted a comment in reaction to what I wrote. Interesting how easily accessible any blog can be!
Realizing the astonishing effects of the "new" media, I see myself maybe utilizing it in the future. It may affect my career plan, who knows. It might benefit me, even though I never had a liking to it. But reality is reality. Sooner or later, blogging, podcasting, vlogging, and any of this online "new" media will one day be the dominating media in society.
Shrek & McDonald
To broader the TA, McDonald has new burger, Ranch BLT with innovative slogan, "Feed your inner Ogre". Definitely, the word "Ogre" can enhance loyalty of Shrek's fans.
To arouse TA interest, it also designed a game of Shrek on its website, I tried to play, it is pretty good. Check it out: http://shrek.mcdonalds.com/mcd/shrek.html
Monday, May 14, 2007
Changing PR

The truth is we live in a fast paced world that depends on technology on a daily basis. As time passes more technological advancements that facilitate the way we live our lives. It is important to keep up with these innovations because it is precisely these new podcasts, blogs and web-pages that will become, or have already become, the new way to communicate. This will inevitably affect our career, but the best thing we can do is stay knowledgeable in technology and open-minded to new forms of communication.
Public Relations is very much part of this transition. It's important to know how to blog. It is quickly becoming part of many major organizations as is designing a web-page. It is a difficult task but it is not necessary to become an expert. One can familiarize themselves with the basics skills needed to contribute to this new media.
All Good Things Must Come to an End
By creating a class blog, all of us have been forced to explore the world of blogging and what it means from a PR standpoint. What I have discovered is that blogging might be one of the most useful resources a PR professional can use. This is because it allows a message to reach a large audience for free. Isn't that the ultimate goal of most PR efforts; to get the message out there without paying for it? It seems to me that blogging might be the future of PR. Blogs have already gained a huge reader base and most companies and public officials have used blogs at one point or another. I don't see an end in sight for blogs. The possiblities seem endless.
As a Public Relations major hoping to break into the field sometime in the next few years, it is going to be important for me to take advantage of these relatively new types of media, which includes such things as blogs and podcasts. Surviving without using these tools seems almost impossible.
Steve Rubel may be onto something here...
Reflections on PR 191
I appreciated our time spent on direct mail and design. It was very fun putting words to the things I had inuited about fonts and design principles, in the past. Learning inDesign is high on my list of priorities, now.
I also really enjoyed getting to know my fellow classmates. You're all a bunch of great people and I look forward to networking and getting to know each other in the future. Thanks also to Prof. McCune for encouraging us and spurring us on toward our best effort.
Final Blog
I have realized that blogs are a very important and significant form of communication in the world of PR. I have also learned that they can help, as well as harm. Therefore, being aware of the impact that the blogs have in the world of PR is essential.
In addition, I believe that blogginng is a new phenomenon that will be with me through out my career. I don’t think it will affect me. I’m not an expert at blogging, however, I think I got the hang of it. The impact the it id having in the world of public relations is so intense that I am very much encouraged to become if not an expert a close-to-being and expert blogger.
Final Thoughts...
Blogs and other new media are not only changing the practice of PR, but I think it is changing everything. It changes the way we communicate as a society and it changes buisness. It's a new way to get a message or opinion across. Or simply, it's a way to let your feelings out. In either case, people are reading blogs. As we all know, it can even lead to new opportunities.
So i think that we as a society, have to adapt, just like any other new technology, we have to adapt to it and incorporate it into our daily lives.
So I just want to say that this semester in PR 191 has been a blast because I have learned so many new things that I haven't ever known before. Dreamweaver, direct mail, position paper, blogs and brochures are some example.
Good luck to everyone on their endeavors and have a GREAT summer!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Vaccine's future murky for Merck?
By early 2007, many states created legislation for mandatory vaccination for teenage girls, igniting a national debate. The ramifications of these statues in addition to the efficacy of the vaccination, are ripe grounds for public relations practitioners and lobbyists.
Merck, having weathered the inital round of scrutiny, is again positioning itself as one of several vaccines designed to prevent HPV.
What I've Learned
Now, about nine months later as I near the completion of my second semester here, my mind is at ease. With classes like PR 192, PR 191 and even Intro to Marketing I am beginning to realize why I am here. I love what I have chosen to do and although it may have taken some time to realize, I am happy that I stuck it out.
I wasn't sure what to expect at the beginning of this semester, but I now know that I have learned far more than I could have possibly expected or anticipated.
Let me share my insights...
1. Appreciate the ease of use of In-Design - Although it seems complicated and the first time using it can be confusing, it has now become my new best friend (figuratively speaking, of course)
2. The databases from King Library are essential - King Library offers SJSU students access to databases like Lexis-Nexis and Academic Search Premiere, both of which are extremely helpful in finding accurate and informative research information.
3. Don't take guest speakers for granted - guest speakers in class are the easiest way to get started on networking. Take initiative, show interest and, most importantly, stand out.
4. Get involved - unfortunately I may have waited too long for this one, but it is important to get involved in the organizations that are associated with your profession. Organizations like the PRSSA will not only look good on your resume but will also do wonders for your networking and also get you the information you may want, if not need, for your future. The PRSSA has guest speakers at every meeting, usually from different areas of PR. These professionals will allow you to network and help you decide which area of public relations is right for you.
I must say that this semester has been exhausting, endless and hard, but it has helped me learn that I am doing what I love and I am enjoying every minute of it. I may be hard, it may be tiring, and it may be the longest 16 weeks of school so far, but they have also been the most eye opening, life changing, and fun 16 weeks of school I have experienced thus far.
Blogs seem to be crucial in the success of some companies. It is a way to communicate with the public in a faster, cheaper and more efficient way. A company can find out what people think of their brand, image or reputation with the simple click of a button. They are able to see if the messages they are trying to convey are being received in the same way.
I am still trying to figure out what area of PR that I want to get into, so it has not necessarily changed my carrer plans, but it has definitely opened my eyes to new possiblities. It has also made me more aware of what is going on with the web and how to be a part of it. I will definitely pay closer attention to blogs and what they have to say.
Can GM reclaim their title against Toyota?
In hopes of reclaiming the title as a global industry leader, GM Chairman-CEO Rick Wagoner made the announcement that they wantsto make a shift from newspaper ads to advertorials. An advertorial is advertisement but is passed off as an editorial.

In short GM wants to pay for public space. In the age of blogging and online media, is a newspaper advertorial really going to be effective enough to reclaim their title and demote Toyota?
Don't Blame Paris, Blame Mintz.
Elliot Mintz, Hilton's publicist, is not a rookie to the entertainment world. He has also held clients such as Bob Dylan and Christie Brinkley. However, how could can a publicist be when you inform your client that it is ok for her to drive to work when it is against the law? I mean, the bad girl image has definetly given Paris her time in the spotlight but now those 45 days in jail are really gonna hurt her image even more, if that'd even possible.

Now that Mintz has been let go of his role as Paris' publicist even though it was for a 'dumb' reason, it was completely necessary and this is why: "Mintz, declined to comment".
Happy Mother's Day

Little known fact: the United States began celebrating Mother's Day about 150 years ago, when Julia Ward Howe (author of the lyrics to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic") organized the day to encourage peace. She believed that mother's suffered from the loss of human life more harshly than other people.
So while conspiracies about Hallmark inventing Valentine's Day may be true, they did not have a hand in the popularization of Mother's Day. Though they are certainly reaping the benefits.
This may be an angle they could use in to try to down-play the perception of the company as a holiday creator.
Also...make sure you call your mother.
Metro Fountain Blues Festival

Various artists performed throughout the day, with Buddy Guy, a blues legend, as the grand finale.
Buddy Guy was amazing--naturally. But what else was amazing was learning that San Jose hosts the largest blues festival in the country--The Metro Fountain Blues Festival. Little ol' San Jose has yet another claim to fame, and since an SJSU alum is the main organizer, and the event is held on campus and presented by the Associated Students, SJSU gets some of the spotlight too.
The festival is free, though a $5 donation is suggested to keep the concerts free in the future.
There was also a raffle to win a guitar (like the one in
the picture) autographed by Buddy Guy. Some lucky sap won who wasn't even there to claim his awesome prize.
The Metro Fountain Blues Festival is a sure-fire way to have a good time, listen to good music and see what San Jose and SJSU have to offer. Free concerts are a great way to get positive news coverage and enhance your organization's image...as long as there aren't any riots. Woodstock 99 anyone?
Tom Wants to Help!
Recently when checking my myspace account Tom, the creator of myspace, posted a bulletin asking everyone to add this profile to their friends and place it on their top friends to help find Madeline. Madeline, a three year old girl, was abducted from her apartment bedroom in Portugal.
Myspace is yet another outlet to spread the word on situations like this. It gives reward as well as contact information and is a great way to send out a mass message since myspace recently hit over one million accounts.
Could myspace be yet another PR tool? It reaches tons of people, blogs are used, bulletins and reminders can be posted. Myspace seems to be taking over the world.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
The Publicist
It’s an old axiom in PR that you have to love your client and you got the feeling that Mintz did. He was willing to stretch language to its farthest reaches to spin Paris as a little Miss Understood Heiress. See GlossLip for Mintz’s greatest hits.
It is Paris' over fault for ignoring the law. She shouldn't blame Mintz and should be thankful for what he did for her so far!
Source: PR Blog News
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Blog Sets Online World Record!

Urban Outfitters, a clothing store, sets the record for having the LONGEST bottom scroll bar ever. Its blogs highlights the 23 windows of content it serves for its fans. The blog has done a great job of appealing to its nationwide audience and at the same time, making a very local connection.
Readers can search posts related to the store nearest to them and learn about store promotions and events. Urban Outfitters have been trying to become "cool" in each of the markets in which its stores are located. In this sense, I think that they are providing some sort of value to potential clients because it doesn't really have anything to do with the clothes it sells.
All in all, I think the blog is a very great way for Urban Outfitters to connect with its customers.
P.S. And the unusual LONG scroll bar won't hurt either.
Again Moore in Trouble
Moore, took along with him about 10 ailing workers from the Ground Zero rescue effort in Manhattan for treatment in Cuba, and to help him in his upcoming health-care documentary “Sicko.”
After receiving the letter, the first thing Moore did is to place his documentary “Sicko” in a safe place outside the country so the government won’t get hold of it before the scheduled airing on May 19 in Cannes Film Festival.
What kind of surprise Moore has for the world now? We shall know soon.
Read more
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Got Good Karma?

The Ad Council and the Federal Voting Assistance Program are sponsoring a new campaign to encourage individuals between the ages of 18 to 24 years, to get out and vote in upcoming elections, entitled Get Good Karma.
The site targets the 18 to 24 demographic because according to U.S. Census Bureau reports, this group is the least likely to vote on election day.
With its cute, fluffy, almost anime style it's entertaining and eye catching. Hopefully, it will encourage young people to vote and become more civic-minded.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Wasteful families leave on TVs and lights
1. Turn off your computer when you are away for a long time
2. A void using standby mode on household appliances
3. Turn off lights when you don't need them
4. Switch off the power when you are not watching TV
5. Avoid using air conditioners as far as possible
HKSAR Government should have a year-long public relations campaign to advocate the publics.
"Blogger and Podcaster Magazine" Is Getting Some Heat

As known from a previous blog, a new magazine is out: the Blogger and Podcaster Magazine. With online technology becoming such a widespread form of media, it's no wonder why someone would come up with the idea of creating a magazine about blogging and podcasting. But after its launch, the magazine has been receiving some critisism. Kevin Dugan, director of marketing communications for FRCH Design Worldwide, discusses about the irony of the new magazine. In his article, "The Ironic Hypocrisy of Blogger & Podcaster Magazine", he states that, "the industry that regularly chastises mainstream media for not adapting to social media now has a print media vehicle. All the while, this industry eagerly charts mainstream media's death along with the plain, old-fashioned news release." It is a little hypocrtical to say how old-fashioned mainstream media is, only to, in the end, use it to publicize your own publication. But the magazine may have its use to it. What do you guys think about the Blogger and Podcaster Magazine?
Monday, May 7, 2007
Last week, I went shopping at Macys since I wanted to buy some skincare product. When I stopped at Biotherm counter and looked for the day cream that I wanted, the sales lady told me that Biotherm is going to leave the US and Canada market after this month.
Omg~ It's a really bad news for me since I am its supporter. Also, it made me to think that is it beacsue the sales volume is not good here. However, Biotherm does great PR work in Hong Kong market, it chooses right celebrity, organize excellence PR events etc.
Guys, please feel free to comment about Biotherm's PR work here.
Social media meetup
With the arrival of social media, both media companies and businesses are rethinking the way they manage news-gathering and distribution. But how do businesses manage that well-known mainstay -- the "pressroom" at industry events and conferences? Furrier will talk about how smart companies are reinventing the pressroom with state-of-the-art technologies, combined with social intelligence.

Seating is limited at this event, and you have to be a member (or the guest of a member) to attend. If you're interested, please let me know ASAP and I'll add you as my guest.
Strategy of Online Dating Sites

I came across with an old news about how online dating sites used strategy to keep the subscription of their customers. These sites promoted their services with fake ads and they had their employees pretend regular subscribers to flirt with their members. Being a quite conservative person, I always think that it's unsafe to find a partner online. Not only is it hard to find true love, many people in these sites are giving fake information. To me, it's horrible that even the online dating companies themselves are cheating their members in this way. I really don't like the virtual world in the internet that much. I can't imagine what I will feel if I was fallen in love with someone met in dating sites and ended up realizing he was the employer of the dating site.
What surprised me the most is that the two big dating companies, yahoo and match.com, were being sued for cheating their members. For more detailed news, go here.
Promoting Spidey

With $59.3 million on opening day Friday, "Spider-Man 3" also broke the single-day box-office record in the United States, which has also been held by "Dead Man's Chest," with $55.8 million on its first day.
PR's future

Sarkozy For a Change
Sarkozy, son of Hungarian immigrant promised to lower the unemployment rate and to be tough on crime and control immigration.
Sarkozy announced after his election, his support to USA even though some opinions may contradict.
Will the American – French relations witness closer ties than ever?
Days to come will decide.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Paris Hilton is going to jail

Good news!!
“We haven’t seen this kind of full employment in PR since the dot com boom,” Spring told PRBlogNews. “Agencies are getting new business and growing existing business. The pace accelerated in the last quarter of ‘06 and it is continuing through this year. Now that business has been good for a couple of years the benefits are filtering down to employees.”
According to the report, there was a huge jump in the bonuses last year even though the base salaries on the agency side declined and corporate communications salaries increased slightly
“The PR business always lags the economy by about a year,” explained Spring. “The dot com boom bred caution into the market but this economy has legs. With full employment and business booming across the board it is harder to find and retain good people. You get into negotiations with candidates, and there is a sense of urgency from the agency or corporation. A lot of activity in this market.”
For more information click here
Source: PR Blog News
Thursday, May 3, 2007
New Camel Brand Targeting Women

Camel, a popular cigarette company, released a new brand of cigarettes in February targeting women. This new brand is called Camel No. 9, a brand that advertises being "Light and Luscious" and has a packaging that reminds people of perfume boxes. But with a new brand comes new controversy. Some are getting mad over Camel No. 9, remarking that it's only purpose is to attract new consumers that are mainly young female teens or young women in their 20's. According to MSNBC, spokesman David Howard said this new brand was only meant "for women who were asking for a product that better reflected their taste preferences and style" and "to connect with women adult smokers", not other consumers.
According to NPR, many are angered by this new brand because of it's advertising strategies. People see it as aggressive advertising since R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company even held lavish parties targeting women. The company held"event[s] promot[ing]...a girls' night out, where women can sample cigarettes, get massages, have their hair styled and take home gift bags that include makeup and jewelry."
The company may say that the brand is meant to target women who already smoke, but through its aggressive advertising, who knows if it will, in the end, intentionally target young non-smoking women, too.
A Magazine about Pocasting and Blogging

As the name indicates, Blogger and Podcaster, a new type of magazine about podcast and blogging is going to appear in print market this month. The major contents will focus on news, feature and tips on how to express our voice, exchange information and skills on how to expand business through different platform available on the Internet. As podcast and blogging are becoming one of the major tools for our everyday life communication, it is beneficial for companies to target their audiences and communicate with customers.
- Jasmine
Take a Lesson in PR from China

I came across an article in Newsweek that I thought was really interesting. It was mainly about China learning the value of good PR and is beating the United States at its own game. It went further to discuss how PR is increasingly blending with international politics.
For example, early this month, Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Russia for a three-day visit. This is remarkable because not too long ago, Chinese leaders rarely left home. Now, Russia has declared 2007 the "Year of China," and plans to hold hundreds of China related business, educational and sport events in the upcoming months. In addition, Hu along with Russian President Vladimir Putin both pledged to build a series of cooperative energy projects.
A major public opinion poll last year found that most ordinary Russians now think China has "a positive impact on the world" and the United States has a negative one. We have to stop and really think of how others around the world now view the United States before we get a really tarnished image that may not be salvageable.
I'll leave you with one quote that really stuck out when reading the article:
"Ordinary people across the planet now view China more warmly than they do the United States. Polls taken by the Program on International Policy Attitudes and the BBC show that majorities of people in most countries today consider China to be a more positive influence and less of a threat to international peace than the United States is."
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Conversation Marketing

Lying to get a job?

We are all about to go into the career world looking for our first job. However, does that mean we are going to have to lie on our resumes before anyone hires us?
It has become more and more common to lie on your resume. Human resource surveys show consistently that more than a third of people have lied on their resume or "enhanced" it in some way in order to get the job http://jobs.aol.com/article/_a/resume-indiscretions-remain-widespread/20070430123309990001?ncid=AOLCOMMjobsDYNLprim0001.
Even though it is unethical, some companies need to take the blame as well. If the background checks they were doing were thorough, then some of these people would get caught and the rates might decrease. In 2004 a report by the Government Accountability Office found that 463 government workers had lied on their resumes and were not caught. This makes me a little nervous that our own government can not do a thorough background check.
Lying on a resume is not something new. We have seen many CEO's, football coaches, government officials and the dean of admissions for MIT all get caught for lying, or embellishing, their resume and losing their jobs. It can be a message to all of us: DON'T LIE.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Germany Galcier Is Melting
Frank Huber, the manager of cable car and skiing operations on the 2,962-meter peak in the northern Alps is very sad that the glacier is melting and he can’t do anything for it.
He regrets that his children may not see it and enjoyed it as he did when he was little boy.
Scientists blame it on global warming and on the change in the climate.
What do you think? Should the weather be blamed for the melting glacier?
Thailand Plans a PR Campaign
I agree with him, but I believe instead of acting so fast t the bad publicity(U.S. pharmaceutical industry attacked Thailand in an advertisement in the Wall Street Journal last week), they should better plan their campaign, ensuring more funds. They want their international image to improve, but can this really happen with the size of this campaign? And with such limited funding?
To read the full article click here:
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Cisco Visit
When I first heard the controversy of the 'iPhone,' I automatically sided with Apple. Knowing very little about the argument, it is easy to assume that Apple had every right to utilize the 'i' for the purpose of naming their product. After all, as tradition goes, most electronics manufactured by Apple, have an 'i' at the start of the very simple title.
However, after researching and reading through Cisco's VERY opinionated literature, it was interesting to see the over half of the controversy...have an opportunity to play 'devil's advocate,' if you will. I found it very ironic that Cisco had claimed the name of the new device so early on, and yet Apple used it regardless.
I simply thought hearing the other side of the story from a Cisco representative, was a very unique PR tool and a useful one for us students to hear, if for no other reason than listening to an already credible company defend their product.
I will still purchase the Apple iPhone® in late June, when it is scheduled to launch.
And I am very excited about it.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Second Life and Public Relations
Many experiments are being done on the "Second Life." Companies realized the beneficial B-to-B applications - virtual meetings, showrooms, presentations.
Gartner says the 80% of active Internet users will have a virtual life by the end of 2011.
For a hint of where this is going in Public Relations, check out Business Communicators of Second Life - about “how to communicate and participate in 3-D environments” and ”how to use and create 360-degree content for new online spaces and the emerging 3D web.” How do you create a word-of-mouth program for avatars? How do you mesh the virtual with the physical for a truly mashed up PR program?
PR Source: PR Blog News
Friday, April 27, 2007
More on PR analysis
"I did some digging and have found Don Stacks' book. It was published in 2002, but the concepts are very current. Also below are some of the 'professional' reviews of the book, courtesy of Amazon."
Primer of Public Relations Research
by Don W. Stacks (2002)
"This book will undoubtedly make a major contribution to public relations research education. Its clarity and breadth of scope make it equally appropriate for undergraduates preparing to enter the job market, graduate students in master's or doctoral programs, and working professionals seeking greater research application ability. Unusually well written and easy to understand, the book serves the multiple knowledge needs that we confront in public relations education."--Melvin L. Sharpe, College of Communication, Information, and Media, Ball State University
"Many public relations practitioners avoid using research in their day-to-day work. There are several excuses: good research takes time and money; some practitioners want to avoid accountability for what they do and how they do it; and the way many of us learned research methods in college made the subject seem boring, difficult, and tedious. In this book, Don Stacks shoots down nearly every excuse for not using research, showing how it can be accessible, affordable, and even fun. In his usual engaging style, Stacks gives practitioners a better understanding of what research is and how it can help them."--John W. Felton, President and CEO, Institute for Public Relations
It sounds like an excellent resource.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Barbie Goes Online

With technology advancing ever so quickly, it's no wonder Mattel Inc.'s Barbie decided to start a website of their own. After sales declined for the Barbie line by 21% the first quarter, Mattel Inc. decided to create BarbieGirls.com, a website that combines preteen girls' interests of dolls and the Internet. On the website, girls can either create their own fashion, shop in malls, or dress their dolls. Mattel created this website in hope that it will increase their sales, since it seems more kids want to play online more than they want to play with toys.
Technology is becoming more important everyday, especially the Internet. For Mattel, creating this website is a good move because nowadays, everything's been moving online. With the Internet becoming the new medium, it won't be too far when all marketing will be online.
Orioles PR stunt
The pitcher had what looked like a bloody sock on his foot. The pitcher claimed it was from loose stiches he recieved on his ankle. But now the truth is revealed. The sock was actually painted.
The charge that Schilling faked the bloody sock has been made before, including in GQ magazine, which cited an anonymous Red Sox player as its source.
"It (the sock) was painted,"Gary Thorne said to analyst Jim Palmer during the broadcast. "It was painted. Doug Mirabelli confessed up to it after. It was all for PR (public relations)."
Later in the broadcast, Thorne, who also works for ESPN, confirmed Mirabelli told him of the "painted sock" in a earlier conversation. However, later Mirabelli told The Boston Globe that Thorne’s quote was a "straight lie."
However, Schilling has denied the claims about the sock being painted. He reported that he had surgery on the same ankle after the Orioles losing season to repair torn ligaments.
It may take DNA experts to finally settle the rumors surrounding Curt Schilling famous bloody sock.
A publicity stunt? Or just false information? Well either way people became interested in the Orioles for the rest of that season. The bloody sock is still talked about to this day. Bloody or paint, eveyone is interested and watching them.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Green Marketing
Alongside offering customers green energy tariffs and carbon offsets certified by the EU and the UN, the new business will also offer a wide range of services designed to improve the energy efficiency of customers' buildings.
In particular the company has pledged to only install A-rated high efficiency boilers, continue to develop its insulation installation programme, and also provide installation of both solar panels for heating water and photovoltaic cells.
British Gas said it had also inked an agreement with six local authorities that will see customers buying solar panels costing from £4,300 will qualify for a discount on their council tax of up to £500. The company said it hopes that other councils will also sign up to the new scheme.
In this case study, we found that green marketing is becoming trend, it is especially important to those businesses which may cause some pollution. Therefore, we can easy to find campaign in the same field of British Gas, like www.shell.com. All they are attempting to do is gain the goodwill from consumer.
Press Release Tying to Make Money

Just two days after the VT massacre, a company called US Netcom tried to make money from it.
With the dead unburied and many injured students still recovering, US Netcom claimed that they sold something that could have prevented the whole thing, and at a low price! Can you believe that? The press release was distributed on April 18. Here's a part of it:
"For $1 per student per year, services such as AllCall Notification could have provided VT with a method of crisis control capable of reaching every student far faster than email. It should have been in place as part of the school's emergency preparedness plan...There is a tragic lesson for every educator of every school-age student: AllCall or other notification services can save lives."
I'm sure these notification systems are helpful and really do save lives. And I'm sure many schools already have them in place. But you have to seriously wonder about a company that would figure the publicity upside is worth more than the anger and pain it creates by issuing this sales pitch RIGHT after an unfortunate tragedy like the one at Virginia Tech.
Teacher Fired for Mock student shootings
The following Friday he received a letter from the college stating that he was fired. It seems like the college, which is a Catholic liberal arts college, did not want any negative publicity for what the professor did and took action immediately.
Now the college is getting some heat for firing the professor and not allowing free discussion. One student said that the discussion was not offensive and the professor was simply illustrating a point during the discussion.
Was the college right in firing him?
Monday, April 23, 2007
Target: Out of this World Ads
As you can see from the YouTube video above, their commercials are pretty cool and reminiscent of old Super 8 movies with the quick, jumpy pictures and no sound. Nice.
Target outspends Wal-Mart in marketing by about $100 million (according to 2004 figures from Ad Age). It shows when seeing creative applications like these.
Wal-Mart is also pushing ahead with its marketing. The much-maligned retailer is girding up its in-store TV network to serve up more content and, of course, ads (not just its own). According to USA Today, Wal-Mart TV has more than 125,000 screens in about 3,100 of Wal-Mart's 4,022 U.S. stores and a potential audience of more than 127 million shoppers per week.
Yeah, according to WWD, 84 percent of the U.S. population visits one of the retailer's stores each year. Wal-Mart wants to entertain them so they might stay awhile and make their stores much more than just a shopping destination.
Target has to be creative considering those numbers. Target has to outspend to reach all of the customers they know will wind up shopping a Wal-Mart at one point or another. Does that sound odd? Consider this—the top 10 retailers reported $488 billion in 2004 sales. Wal-Mart sales made up more than half of this number, with $285 billion. These numbers make Target’s marketing accomplishments that much more impressive.
So, what will the next chapter in the story bring consumers?
Video Resumes

Career Builder is now offering job seekers the choice to post video highlights to their resumes. Thanks to computer technology, Web 2.0 makes it possible with more increasing capabilities and decreasing costs.
These video resumes can initially be seen as a good thing to make your resume unique and different. But you have to be careful. In the midst of trying to make your video edgy and authentic, you don't want your videos to resemble videos seen on shows like America's Funniest Home Videos.
So these video resumes can add a touch to a resume, but just remember to think twice before posting your video and make sure you aim for a polished finished product so you don't kill your chance of an employer skipping past your resume.
To read the entire article click here:
Cause-related marketing
My question to you is this: Do you think this cause is a good match for Aveda? Do you think this campaign is likely to win customer loyalty or new customers for the company? Why or why not?

The Connection with Customers - Store Magazine

H & M is a success fashion retail business that has loyal fans around the world. People line up and wait outside the store for the opening day in major cities like New York, Boston, and Chicago etc. Of course, the company spends thousands billions of dollar in advertising both in print and television, however, one of the key strategies is to build the connection with customers. The usage of a store magazine functions like a newsletter, which allows customer to know more about the company’s prospective, service, product, and most importantly, to build a positive image of the company. For instance, the H & M magazine includes fashion news like catwalk news in Europe and up-to-date fashion guides, which highlight the unique fashion style and reinforce the fashion trend with the company.
For more information, please go to:
- Jasmine
Wal-Mart did it again
Is it good PR for Wal-Mart? Of course, it is. But, how about the other businesses?
I believe that Wal-Mart is giving other businesses more causes to hate the giant retailers and to seek its destruction.
What do you think?
Read More
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Advertising vs Public Relations

1. Free or paid?
Advertising company needs to pay for the space of an ad no matter it's on the newspaper, magazines or tv. For the main duty of a PR, he/she needs to get free publicity for a coporation.
2. Content control
A successful ad must be creative so that the audience would memorize the product or service the ad tries to sell. Therefore, advertising company can freely control the content of an ad. Yet, PR company cannot control how the media presents the information.
3. Promoting/ publishing duration
An ad can be used as long as you want once you pay for it. Generally, a press release can only be submitted once.
4. Credibility
Even though how impressive or creative an ad can be, the basic function of an ad is to sell a product or serivce. This feeling is something that the audience can always feel whenever they see an ad. When the audience are reading a press release of a corporation, they are more likely to think the information is trustworthy.
5. Target audience
The only target audience of an ad is the any possible and potential customers of a specific product or service. Besides having this common audience, another target audience of PR is the editors of a newspaper or magazine since they are the people who decide to publish the press release or not.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Blogging goes crazy after Virginia Tech shootings
Some bloggers write about people who were killed in the shooting, including a professor who was a Holocaust survivor who threw himself in front of the shooter to save his students. Others write about their Alma Mater VT.
Many are lashing out at the response of their school, and the intense invasion of the media onto the Virginia Tech school campus. But the most commented-on blogs are from the VT students who were live-blogging on Monday here and here and here. Students also reportedly used social networks like Facebook and MySpace and other messaging technologies like Twitter.
Blogging has become such a force in the PR world, but this horrible tragedy has turned us to realize that blogs are often valuable and very versitile. The fact that these blogs have offered more information than most news stations has caused people to turn to the Virginia Tech bloggers for information and their current feelings.
Blogging is the current outlet that these students have, and they are utilizing it in every way. The massacre will go down in history as the worst campus shooting of all time, and the blogosphere will ensure that it’s not soon forgotten.
Second Life
Check out the video of the Buddahead “Broken” video:
The PR strategies are now integrated with Second Life initiatives. It is at the beginning stage and is believed that it will be a great potential for the market.
Sources: PR Blog News
Friday, April 20, 2007
The Importance of Crisis Communications

The horror that unfolded at Virginia Tech feels like an inappropriate topic for blogs, but everyone is affected by this tragedy. Reading and watching the news sheds light on an all too familiar pattern. As the whole story emerges, the conversations around this tragedy help us all in many ways. More specifically, it offers insight on how communications professionals can prepare other organizations for a crisis and also, to remind us the necessity and importance of this preparation.
I realize that preparing for a crisis and living the crisis are quite different. But if you don't prepare, then you are that much worse off.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wal Mart Goes Green

Wal Mart, known for its number of appearances in the news for bad image, tries a new approach in regaining a better look and respect for their company.
The company is now trying to go green by finding better ways to conserve energy and save the environment. According to MSNBC, these methods include telling their suppliers to use less packaging, making their gass-guzzling trucks more efficient, and having new stores use energy conservation ideas.
In addition, Wal Mart lauched a huge national ad campaign promoting their new environmentally friendly products. These products include organic cotton clothes, low-energy light bulbs, and organic food.
Wal Mart's new idea for a new image is an obvious public relations step to gain better business and the usual environmentalist customers they never thought they could get. By trying this approach, they are able to target a completely new audience and create an image that will hopefully make their old one disappear.
A misunderstanding?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
1400 Year-old Family Business Absorbed

It's a sad day for Kongo Gumi. Reduced financial giving at Buddhist temples, coupled with a recession in the early 1990s irreperably harmed the business.
The keys to the company's impressive run? A mix of conservatism and flexibility, according to the company's former president Masakazu Kongo. Public relations, as an industry is in its infancy. Can the industry withstand the test of time? Here's a list of what we're up against.